Monday, July 1, 2019

Linux သုံးပြီး command တွေရဲ့ အတိုကောက် တွေကိုတော့သိသင့်တာပေါ့

Linux သုံးပြီး command တွေရဲ့ အတိုကောက် တွေကိုတော့သိသင့်တာပေါ့

 ACL - access control list
APT - advanced packaging tool (apt)
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
CentOS - Community ENTerprise Operating System
cd - Change directory
CLI - command line interface
crontab - cron table
dir - directory
distro - Distribution, a collection of user programs, software, and the
Linux kernel to create an operating environment.
FOSS - free open source software
FTP - file transfer protocol
GID - group identification
GB - gigabyte
GNU - GNU's Not UNIX. (See
GUI - graphical user interface
HP - Hewlett-Packard
IBM - International Business Machines
KB - kilobyte
I/O - input/output
LFS - Linux from scratch.
LSB - Linux Standard Base
LUG - Linux user group
LVM - logical volume management
MB - megabyte
MBR - master boot record
NFS - network file system
NTP - network time protocol
OS - operating system
PID - process identification number
POSIX - portable operating system interface
pwd - present working directory
RHEL - RedHat Enterprise Linux
RHCE - Red Hat Certified Engineer
RPM - RedHat Package Manager
SAN - storage area network
SELinux - Security Enhanced Linux
SFTP - secure file transfer protocol or SSH file transfer protocol
SGID - set group ID
SLES - SuSE Linux Enterprise Server
SSH - secure shell
STDIN - Standard input
STDOUT - Standard output
STDERR - Standard error
su - superuser
sudo - superuser do
SUID - set user ID
symlink - symbolic link
tar - tape archive
TB - terabyte
TTY - teletype terminal
UID - user identification
VDI - virtual disk image
X - X window system
YUM - Yellowdog Updater, Modified (yum)

Thank you all
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